Thursday, November 26, 2009

Missed Deadline

No Post last week. My Grandmother passed away and I was attending a funeral and comiserating and re-connecting with family members I have not seen in a few years. There will be a post made in the 4 remaining days of this week.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Scaalia Bloodwood

Scaalia Bloodwood stood at the top of a small rise and gazed over the trees of the Lostwood towards the Citadel of Niallan. The citadel's presence was massive, a vast island of rock within the emerald green and tree bark brown sea. Eons of erosion had worn the surface of its stone towers to the same texture of any mountain. Even though the citadel was still miles off Scaalia could still feel it. It pulled at his senses whenever he was near. Faint as the perceptions might be he could almost see the Aether ripple and swirl around it even from this distance. Whenever he approached the citadel the faintest whispers of events from the last two thousand years played at the very edge of his senses simultaneously. They were like a faint echo heard but not distinctly discernible from the other sounds of the forest, except for the distinct impression of age that was left behind.

Scaalia's taloned grip tightened on the trunk of a nearby tree, the tips of his claws sinking gently into the rough bark. The wind picked up and tussled his mane. It carried the scent of travelers from outside the Lostwood - Humans from Braemoor likely by the smell of things. They would have goods for trading and news of the "outside" world as they called it. Scaalia began the decent back to the clan dwelling, eager to confirm the rumors that he had heard. News had reached even the heart of the Lostwood that the School of Seven Virtues had re-opened it doors to those who would take up the Path of the Hero. These traders might have information but there was only one way to know for sure. The spirits had told him that a journey waited in his future, he assumed that they had meant the trip, but something about that particular card reading hinted at more.

Learn more about the world of Seven Virtues:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Year

Well, this didn't go very well last year, so in the famous words of Monty Python "Start again!". Monday is the start of a new week, and is nearly almost a year from the last time I posted here. So... lets try this again shall we.