Saturday, October 18, 2008

Findings from the Archaeological Dig at Ashin'Volag, Maraekesh

The following are transcribed excerpts from what appear to be diaries of Evangelene Bluesummers, a notable Post War era mystic. The documents were recovered at an archaeological dig site to the south west of what is currently Ashin'Volag, Maraekesh (map). The majority of the information contained within the diaries is irrecoverable simply due to the age and condition of the documents. Entries are displayed in chronological order.


[Date unintelligible](1)

I am entering my fourth year of service to St. Alomimous the Great Defender. Compassion, severity, reserve, dedication; these are the major qualities of the Great Defender. It is a hard path to walk sometimes. It makes me wonder how my teacher has managed to walk the path for over one hundred and fifty years. He remembers the times before the Great War(2), however he does not speak of them often. Abelestran(3) tells me that in time I will grow to become a fine servant of [The remainder of this entry is damaged beyond recovery]


Eversun: Day 4, (Cycle) [Remainder of date unintelligible](4)

We have a new addition to our family today! Abel and I found a baby girl in the wreckage of a small caravan. We called her Juilanna. She can't be more than three or four years old.

We almost missed her in our search of he battle site. The wreckage was pretty fresh, so we were on alert for any attackers who had lain in wait using the wrecked caravan as bait. The little girl was mostly buried under the sand and some debris which shielded from the elements. We dug her out and cleaned up her wounds as best we could.

She seems to be doing fairly well physically, though mentally she is probably still in shock. She seems to be mostly numb to everything that is going on around her. I asked my Father if I was like that when he found me out in the sand. He said it was much the same, though not exactly. Abel said that when he came across me enough time had passed since the initial attack that I was up and moving on my own. Sometimes I wonder how long [The remainder of this entry is damaged beyond recovery]


Eversun: Day 8, Cycle 5, 103 AD(5)

Julianna is doing well. She seems to have finally adjusted to her new home and is beginning to open up to other people. It is good to see that she has not been traumatized too badly by the attack the took her from her family.

Father left for his pilgrimage(6) this morning. He will be gone for the next three days. I'm not sure how he can stand to go three days without food or water. I guess I'll have to figure it out though, he told me that next year I am to come with him if I am ready. I have a lot of training to do before I am ready for that. Well I suppose there is no time like the present. We're going to be waiting here for Father to return, I may as well start my exercises in the morning.


1. Carbon dating of the ink used to scribe this entry places at -147 Common Era, one hundred and twenty three years after the start of the War of Elemental Power

2. The War of Elemental Power, better known to the people of that era as "The Great War" (See War of Elemental Power)

3. Abelestran Bluesummers, reported to be the sole worshipper of St. Alomimous who survived the Great War. (See: Abelestran Bluesummers)

4. Carbon dating indicates that this entry was penned with ink from the same time frame as the first entry, though its composition is slightly different. This entry was placed second in order after reviewing the contents.

5. AD in this case refers to the colloquial year designation "After Destruction". There was such large scale destruction during the Great War that some residents of that era thought the world would never recover.

6. This passage may refer to the "Journey of the Faithful". Records on the subject are incomplete, however it is known that worshippers of St. Alomimous would make an annual pilgrimage to a holy place of their patron. (See: Veneration of St. Alomimous)

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